College of Science, Technology, and Health

真实体验 in Psychology

真实体验 in Psychology

College of Science, Technology, and Health NAVIGATION

Psychology students gain relevant hands-on experience through classroom activities, 实地考察旅行, 和更多的.


在博士领域掀起波澜. Afful's Social Psychology Course: Students were asked to present a final creative project (e.g., 诗, 说唱, 信息图表, children's story) in which they shared how they Witnessed the social environment, 采取了行动, 用他们的声音, 练习移情, 和研究.



Students in the Special Topics in Psychology:日本文化, 社会, and Mind class get their first lesson in Japanese Brush Callig说唱hy from Ikeda-sensei from the Japan America 社会 in St. 路易斯(2019年4月9日).